Monday, 19 May 2014

Interview 1 - SIDDY BENNETT

1) What would be your dream venue to perform in and why?
It's not really a venue, but I would love to play the pyramid stage at Glastonbury Festival. I cant imagine the rush you would get playing to a crowd that size.
2) What was the one event that got you where you are today?
I think its a series of events, but I feel like the turning point was when we supported Robert Plant in Bristol and Wolverhampton.
3) What do you like best about performing in a band?
I like bearing your heart and soul to an audience. Singing is therapeutic.
4) What made you want to choose music as career instead of just a hobby?
My dad is a jazz musician so it runs in our family. I always wanted to do it professionally, I just always knew it was what I was going to do.
5) Which artist would you like most to collaborate with (famous or non-famous)?
There are so many, a lot of my hero's and heroines are dead. I think right now I'd love to song-write and perform with The Lumineers. It would be so cool to write a duet with Wesley Schultz.
6) At first, was it hard to break into the music industry?
It's extremely hard. not only do you have to meet the right people, but you have to practice, gig and constantly write songs so you are always improving yourself. You are competing with the best, so we put all our effort into it. It's pretty much all I do.
7) Does your style choice influence the way your stage presence and audience? Why?
I don't think so. I think it all ties together. The songs we write are very personal, so its makes sense that it matches our style. We have had some people turning up in flower head bands and singing along. Does that count?
8) Did you have to work on your stage presence or does it come naturally?
We have done so many gigs so I think it just builds naturally. One thing I did work on was controlling my nerves. I usually sit behind the stage and make myself relax, the gigs are always better if I'm not nervous.
9) Which artist do you look up to in the music industry?
I admire people who have stayed in the music industry for a long time. I guess that's what I dream of, longevity. I've always looked up to Alanis Morrisette because she is a head strong, smart woman who writes incredible music and stands up for what she believes in. I would love to hang out with her.
10) What advice would you give to up and coming artists trying to break into the industry?
Stay strong, and believe in what you do. If you have passion it rubs off on people, it's infectious. And also don't sign anything too soon!

Siddy x

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